Young people do everything online.
Like order millions of magazines.
am idst their infatuation w ith
Facebook, YouTube,
Tw itter and the like, young adults are still
m aking tim e for
another one o f their favorite pursuits:
reading magazines.
C o n trary to
pop u lar
m isperception,
phenom enal
popularity o f the Internet has not com e at the expense o f
magazines. Readership is actually increasing, and adults between
18 and 34 are am ong the most dedicated readers. They equal or
surpass their over-34 counterparts in issues read per m onth
and tim e spent per issue.
W h at’s changed isn’t people’s affinity for m agazines
bu t the
means by w hich they acquire them .
Last year, nearly 22 percent
o f all new paid subscriptions were ordered online.
A nd just as
In tern et drives
m agazine subscriptions,
m agazines
drive W eb
searches - w ith
nearly double
effectiveness o f the Internet itself.
Some m ight call it ironic.
T he m edium that some predicted w ould vanquish magazines
is actually helping fuel their grow th. A nd vice versa.
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